Shree Sai Nath Documentation (I) Pvt. Ltd
Registered by: Ministry of Corporate Affairs Govt. of India and Allied Members from TAFI

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Authentication is the act of confirming the truth of an attribute of a datum or entity. This might involve confirming the identity of a person, tracing the origins of an artifact, ensuring that a product is what its packaging and labeling claims to be, or assuring that a computer program is a trusted one.

There are three types of techniques for doing Authentication

The first type authentication is accepting proof of identity given by a credible person who has evidence on the said identity or on the originator and the object under assessment as his artifact respectively.

The second type authentication is comparing the attributes of the object itself to what is known about objects of that origin. Attribute comparison may be vulnerable to forgery. In general, it relies on the fact that creating a forgery indistinguishable from a genuine artifact requires expert knowledge, that mistakes are easily made, or that the amount of effort required to do so is considerably greater than the amount of money that can be gained by selling the forgery. Criminal and civil penalties for fraud, forgery, and counterfeiting can reduce the incentive for falsification, depending on the risk of getting caught.

The third type authentication relies on documentation or other external affirmations. For example, the rules of evidence in criminal courts often require establishing the chain of custody of evidence presented. This can be accomplished through a written evidence log, or by testimony from the police detectives and forensics staff that handled it. Some antiques are accompanied by certificates attesting to their authenticity. External records have their own problems of forgery and perjury, and are also vulnerable to being separated from the artifact and lost.

Currency and other financial instruments commonly use the first type of authentication method. Bills, coins, and cheques incorporate hard-to-duplicate physical features, such as fine printing or engraving, distinctive feel, watermarks, and holographic imagery, which are easy for receivers to verify.

Consumer goods such as pharmaceuticals, perfume, fashion clothing can use either type of authentication method to prevent counterfeit goods from taking advantage of a popular brand's reputation (damaging the brand owner's sales and reputation). A trademark is a legally protected marking or other identifying feature which aids consumers in the identification of genuine brand-name goods.

List of Documents for Authentication


Document Authentication

10th Certificate Authentication
AMIE Certificate Authentication
Apprentice ship Certificate Authentication
B.Com Certificate Authentication
B. Ed Certificate Authentication
B. Sc Nursing Certificate Authentication
B. Tech Certificate Authentication
BA Certificate Authentication
BBA Certificate Authentication
BCA Certificate Authentication
BDS Certificate Authentication
BE Certificate Authentication
Birth Certificate Authentication
Bonafied Certificate Authentication
B. Sc Certificate Authentication
CA Certificate Authentication
CBSE Certificate Authentication
Company Document Authentication
Commercial Document Authentication
Computer Diploma Certificate Authentication
Course and Conduct Certificate Authentication
Course Completion Certificate Authentication
Death Certificate Authentication
Divorce Certificate Authentication
Engineering Diploma Certificate Authentication
Free Sell Certificate Authentication
Heirship Certificate Authentication
Invoice Authentication
M. Tech Certificate Authentication
M. Com Certificate Authentication
M. Ed Certificate Authentication
M. Sc Certificate Authentication
M. Sc Nursing Certificate Authentication
MA Certificate Authentication

Document Authentication

Marriage Certificate Authentication
MBA Certificate Authentication
MBBS Certificate Authentication
MCA Certificate Authentication
MD Certificate Authentication
ME Certificate Authentication
Medical Certificate Authentication
Memorandum Authentication
Metric Certificate Authentication
Migration Certificate Authentication
MS Certificate Authentication
NTC Certificate Authentication
Nursing Diploma Certificate Authentication
PCC Certificate Authentication
PDC Certificate Authentication
Plus Two Certificate Authentication
Power of Attorney Certificate Authentication
Private Diploma Certificate Authentication
PUC Certificate Authentication
SSC Certificate Authentication
SSLC Certificate Authentication
Technicians Certificate Authentication
Training Certificate Authentication
Transfer Certificate Authentication
Translated Certificate Authentication
TTC Certificate Authentication
VHSE Certificate Authentication
High School Certificate Authentication
House Surgeon Certificate Authentication
HSE Certificate Authentication
Intermediate Certificate Authentication
Internship Certificate Authentication
ITI Certificate Authentication


All Indian Company’s Commercial Documents, Individual, Educational and Non Educational Documents / Certificates Ministry of External Affairs Authentication / Authentication, Chamber of Commerce Authentication and Various Foreign Embassies Authentication / Legalization Consultancy Service in India

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Shree Sai Nath Documentation India Pvt. Ltd

Address: O – 1st, 21 & 22, Madangir New Delhi 110062, India

Telephone:+91-11-26052605 / 26051031 / 26051874 / 26051875 
MOB: +91-9873937874 / 9266652072 / 8010237643
